Required documents to be prepared by Manufacturer:
- Free Sale Certificate or Certificate of Exportation or Health Certificate mention the brand name of the product in Vietnam, granted by competent authorities of origin country indicating that the product is safe for human consumption or the product is sold freely in manufactured/exported market (this document needs to be legalized by Vietnamese Embassy in original country).
- Good Manufacturing Practice certificate or equivalent certificates: depicting that the manufacturer is authorized to produce food supplements or pharmaceuticals in the specified dosage forms while complying with food safety standards. The dosage forms of the products must be explicitly included in the scope of GMP certification. Equivalent certificates: In case the country of manufacturing does not issue GMP, one of the following certificates can be substituted for GMP: HACCP (Hazard Analysic and Critical Control Point), ISO 22000, IFS (International Food Standard), BRC (British Retailer Consortium), FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification 22000) with a declaration document from the competent authority regarding not issuing GMP certificate.
- Quality Specification of finished product.
- Design of artwork as circulated in the origin country in Adobe Illustrator or Corel format
- Sample of finished products for testing quality in Vietnam.
- Scientific literature to prove efficacy of product. In case scientific literature about function of composition of the product is used as function of the product, the daily dose of product need to be at least more than or equal to 15% the used amount of that composition mentioned in literature.